L'art, extrêmement petit
Ces dessins ont été réalisés entre 2004 et 2017 pour le projet «3XS Arts».
En 2005, neuf artistes ont participé à la première exposition à Montreuil-sous-Bois. Par la suite, au moins dix autres artistes ont participé à des expositions à Munich, Novossibirsk et Moscou. L'idée était que les œuvres d'art diffèrent par leur taille : plus grandes que l'être humain, elles sont des «portes» qui invitent à «entrer» dans l’univers de l'artiste. Plus petites, elles vous permettent d'observer comme à travers une fenêtre, et encore plus petites, elles sont capables d’entrer dans la bouche. Elles peuvent alors être digérées par le spectateur, littéralement parlant.
Nous avons donc étudié les possibilités de cet art ultra-petit.
Exposition N’IMPORTE QUOI – TOUT Y PASSE 14 aout 2017 au 59° Rivoli, Paris
IRK magazine (Paris - Los-Angeles)
Of the 10 Artists who will be dissecting the concept of the "Nimportequoi" to make it more accessible there is the renowned artist ARTHUR YANG. His humor, insights into life and his breathtaking works of art are always worth seeing and for this exhibition he will be showing his X-SMALL works. Though very small in size they are huge in ideas and as the artist says "hard to swallow".
These x-small works by Arthur Yang were originally made in 2004-2005 for the "Ultra-Small" project. The first exhibition in Montreuil, France included 9 artists and was a HUGE success despite the works sizes and traveled to several other European cities with at least 10 more artists being added to the fray.
"The idea was that works of art differ by their size: bigger than a human's height - they are "doors", that invite us to "enter" to the artist's universe, smaller than a human's height - they let you observe, as through a window, and those which are so small that they are able to be inserted in the spectator's mouth. Only these last ones may be digested by the spectator, literally speaking. So we investigated the possibilities of Ultra-Small art." In the words of the artist Arthur Yang.
28 July 2017